Initials of German verbs
An personal empirical measurement
An personal empirical measurement
Looking at the differences between predicted and effective realisation
Looking at the differences between predicted and effective realisation
A follow-up from the previous card
Looking at Italian recipes with a data lens.
Analysing colours in Caravaggio’s art.
Strauss galore, but there’s some more
Who has more stars, and what about the type of cuisine?
A journey from country to country, in data.
Simple counts on my list of reads - July 2023
This time, looking at musical careers
The most popular 80s tracks from Spotify, in data
Much more variety than you may know of.
A lipidic data journey.
The 8th of March and where we’re at, some data.
How far apart these languages are, in data.
Looking at the IBA cocktails, in data.
The year climate change went mainstream.
The choice of festive movies is larger and larger, in data
What did James Bond drink, in data.
A lot of sugar and a data story.
Going with Dickens on a tour of Italy, a data card.
Looking at data about the share of low-emission buses in fleets from specific cities
Exploring the favourite keys used by composers of the Classical era, in data.
Analysing colours in Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s art.
A walkthrough example of gathering data and preparing it ahead of analysis and display, with detailed steps.
The world records in freestyle swimming, for men and women, a data card.
Building the landscape of viral families and species in a data viz
Several of the candidates under work for a COVID-19 vaccine use methods and technologies which are novel and not used yet in existing vaccines.
Looking at the volume of candidate vaccines against COVID-19 and their progress in pre-clinical and clinical phases, in time
Looking at the volume of stories about climate change in the media to assess how this area has been discussed historically, a case from the New York Times.
We analysed how the frequency of tags on Stack Overflow behaves, what are the relevant distributions, whether the age of a tag has an effect and what part do...
How the word average is used in regular talk and how to interpret and calculate it best
Stopwords in English and finding them in NLP libraries
The Heaps’ law in different languages from Wikipedia text data
Studying the Heaps’ law in different languages from NLTK Corpora
Data visualisation sulle parole usate dai presidenti della Repubblica nei discorsi di fine anno, continuazione su parole specifiche
Data visualisation sulle parole usate dai presidenti della Repubblica nei discorsi di fine anno
Data visualisation over the text of my PhD thesis on language evolution
Piggy-backing an idea from
Passing long lists of texts to categorise
Playing with maths with Jupyter interactivity.
Python’s antigravity package explored
A list of easy command line commands to facilitate data work
In a Google Sheet, count the number of times a term appears in rows where one column has a comma-separated list
Creating files for training object detection models in TensorFlow
Make your terminal beautiful and efficient with Oh My ZSH!
Looking at YOLO and Darknet as neural network frameworks for object detection
I’ve learned a bit about Google Cloud by tinkering on it to run a little job, this post outlines the steps and an overview of the platform.
Following a path to learn D3 for data visualisation
Stopwords in English and finding them in NLP libraries
Installing OpenCV3 with Python3 bindings on macOS, the ultimate guide
Learning to make the most of Jupyter notebooks
How to plot the real frequency of occurrence of text with NLTK
Python for querying a DynamoDB in AWS with boto3
Using Python for querying Elasticsearch
Exploring the difference between class and instance attributes in Python
Some basics on how to use matplotlib for plotting data
Exploring some of the simple concepts in the early theory of probability
Looking at truth tables via the McCulloch-Pitts unit
The concept of entropy and how can it be useful in a classification problem.
A quick overview of what they are and what they describe.
Digging into this foundational piece of machinery
Exploring some ways to make better use of bar charts in data viz